The Moon, My Soul & Love- The Perplexity
"the heart is the secret inside the secret" Rumi It's always interesting when the Moon effects me; especially during the New Moon. I feel so open and free; unlike other Moon phases. I haven't decoded exactly how or why things differ, but it always comes to mind during the Full Moon. At times I find myself confused by these differences and how they are so drastic. It's fascinating because not only do I feel these influences differently during each respective phase, but it is extremely different as I've grown in age as well as spiritually. To the point I find myself over-thinking what to share and how much to keep to myself. I suspect it is because the desire to share violates my overprotective need for privacy. A s I shared in Black with Some Blues the Full Lunar Eclipse Moon in Leo made a point to highjack my feelings in such a way that I was forced to not only face them, also to deal with them. I have been thinking a lot about my ...