
Showing posts from December, 2016

Happy New Moon 🌑🖤✨

It seems 2016 and the "grim reaper" have truly showed their asses; although many are experiencing grief and other emotions I tend to be one of those people who choose to celebrate life as opposed to dwelling in mourning . I understand the concept, but I suppose I have my own way of dealing with it all. However most times I am able to find the comforting perspective of those souls transcending this realm and finding solace in the hereafter.  One philosophy that helps (for me) is the idea which is the opposite of Murphy's Law which claims that "anything that can go wrong will go wrong" ; better yet as Yhprum's Law (which is Murphy's law backwards 🙃 ) states that "anything that can go right will go right" ; I also pair that in alignment with Pronoia which is the belief that " the Universe is conspiring in y(our) favor" .  So as we embrace this New Moon and Mercury Retrograde let's choose to remember the wonderful contributions ...

The Moon, My Soul & Love- An Introduction

" You are the Soul of the Soul of the  Universe and your name is Love. "  ~ Rumi As we find ourselves further into Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn , the New Moon in Capricorn and Capricorn Season . I find that I have been anticipating this cosmic cocktail of energy for a few months now.  As I deal with various conditions and circumstances as a result of my new life (with mental illness ) I have noticed areas where I have grown spiritually; as well as personally. I find myself discovering a developing voice from within which has allowed me to truly hear and know what I need (body, mind, soul and/ or spirit).  As I reflect upon this year, a couple things stand out more than any other; one of which is that I spend a lot of time alone, often times in silence.  I am naturally introverted (blame my Capricorn Sun, Aquarius Moon and other aspects of my natal chart lmao), something about solitude and the quietness that comes along with it has brought ab...