The Moon, My Soul & Love- An Introduction
"You are the Soul of the Soul of the Universe and your name is Love."
~ Rumi
As we find ourselves further into Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn, the New Moon in Capricorn and Capricorn Season. I find that I have been anticipating this cosmic cocktail of energy for a few months now. As I deal with various conditions and circumstances as a result of my new life (with mental illness) I have noticed areas where I have grown spiritually; as well as personally. I find myself discovering a developing voice from within which has allowed me to truly hear and know what I need (body, mind, soul and/ or spirit). As I reflect upon this year, a couple things stand out more than any other; one of which is that I spend a lot of time alone, often times in silence. I am naturally introverted (blame my Capricorn Sun, Aquarius Moon and other aspects of my natal chart lmao), something about solitude and the quietness that comes along with it has brought about a special kind of peace that life with Anxiety Disorder requires.

One thing that seemed to have touched a nerve recently has been in alignment with a concept that I despise; duality. I haven't studied the philosophy in-depth seeing how I could only endure the most basic definition and it does not resonate with me on any level. I suppose this is where my hypersensitivity comes into action, it appears from my observation society has gotten relentless in regards to conditioning the masses to obsess about finding, having and "keeping" romantic love (eros); adding to that the practices of hedonism and/ or ludus style love where everyone is a "savage" looking for the nearest "tunasub". Sadly, those are a few love styles which often result in one or more individuals getting caught up in mania (which never turns out positive or constructive). Without over-sharing, I feel as if romance, playfulness, passion, etc. are all fine; when in their proper context. However, sadly when imbalanced the concoction typically leaves a trail of despair, headache and heartache.
If you know me in real life or even if you've become familiar with my social media contributions, you may have noticed how often I refer to Self Love or Self Care not that I don't believe in "romantic love", it's just that I (as well as many of you) are aware that there are many other types of love that are equally important and require just as much nurturing, time and attention. Such as Pragma, Storge as well as (a form that I strive to exude which is) Agape. As I've shared in many writing expressions over the years on various social media outlets and my previous blog; I've accepted this journey, figuring my Self out with mental health issues as well as striving towards Christ Consciousness; yet the human in me can be quite aloof and standoffish; finding comfort and safety in the introvert lifestyle (lol).
Initially (bits and pieces of) this was a photo and caption for Instagram, but perhaps Mercury Retrograde or my sporadic desire to write and share aligned with the Universe to set up an opportunity for my first entry on the new blog. Nevertheless, I thought I'd share partly because Instagram refused to post the photo (above) with the caption I wanted. This however was after a topic came up on Twitter regarding various aspects of love and relationships; along with the "campaigns" as one year comes to an end and a lot of focus in the atmosphere attempting it's annual "programming" of propaganda- "your true Love is waiting for you..." or the idea that we are supposed to spend the final days of the year analyzing past relationships and anxiously fantasying of the love awaiting us or some other belief that we must change or hide aspects of ourselves in order to fit into what society or popular culture deems acceptable. Without realizing it we'd be on an endless search for a "significant other". While neglecting to become the best version of ourselves and allowing the Universal Laws to flourish (e.g.: The Law of Attraction). So I suppose I felt the need to remind us all that regardless of our relationship status we are significant to/for ourselves in our own unique ways, and how we interact with our loved ones in addition to the energy we carry with us throughout the day. So rather than spend energy seeking "relationship goals" to covet we can shift our focus towards achieving our respective personal goals; while we strengthen and cherish all the Love that surrounds us daily.
Moreover, let harness the energy from the New Moon and set our intentions on an enlightening, harmonious, prosperous 2017! A prayer that I will meditate on during this time is that we all strive to reach our greater and highest good; which collectively would bring so much divine love energy to the atmosphere and in some way bring us a bit closer to a humanity that shows love, care and concern for all living beings.
Blessings ππ✨
Moreover, let harness the energy from the New Moon and set our intentions on an enlightening, harmonious, prosperous 2017! A prayer that I will meditate on during this time is that we all strive to reach our greater and highest good; which collectively would bring so much divine love energy to the atmosphere and in some way bring us a bit closer to a humanity that shows love, care and concern for all living beings.
Blessings ππ✨
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