A Beautiful Disaster

As I've shared vaguely throughout the years the "holiday season" is not my favorite time of year. So I've learned to use those times as introspection in order to focus on an area I'd want to improve upon concerning issue(s) associated with my thoughts and/or feelings. With the intention of healing or at the very least acknowledging the hurt associated with the potential or actual triggers . Last year however was more difficult; I believe as the election approached and the final choices were established my anxiety went haywire. The truth is, for some odd reason I seem to experience some of the worst things of my life in the last part of the year; for example, November 2005, a car accident that quite honestly should have killed me (click the above link for original [edited] post and / or see photos below*) . Also in November, the birth date of my best friend; I've never reassigned his standing in my life as the impression he left me with is quite ir...