225 Drafts

225 is the number of blog entries reverted to drafts on the other blog; once I read through a few I realized why they'd return to such. I was completely transparent, however maybe not where it should have been expressed; perhaps, in person or stored in a journal. The purpose of re-reading them was to decide if I should republish them or not and as open and honest as they were I now feel as if I should cherish those memories and let them go.

That's been a pattern lately, letting things go. Not from a negative, reactive space, more of a "for the good times" kind of way. While writing this entry I choose to look into an app I have named "Angel Numbers" where I was able to gain insight on a perception regarding those numbers. Of course the message received was confirmation that I am on my journey. I supposed that's one of the issues I've been facing lately; the feeling of nostalgia. I don't quite want to forget any of the memories, with the exception of a few; yet I don't want to be so focused on them that I am not in the now, or creating/ manifesting the life I am striving towards.

I don't know a good way to "get over" nostalgia; now had it been depression or "the mean reds" I have techniques to overcome them. This is something altogether different and new for me. Sadly, the only people I'd want to discuss this topic with have both passed onto another realm (I pray they are happy). Which only leaves more room for nostalgic thoughts of memories we'd shared along with the wisdom, laughter and love shared... I suppose you can't get over the feelings of nostalgia, however you can't allow them to override your thoughts of the good times that lie ahead...


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