
“write hard and clear about what hurts”
Earnest Hemingway 

lately I have felt uneasy leaving home; between the pandemic and unlawful systematic abuse across the country, I don’t feel safe or comfortable going anywhere unnecessarily. I often think of the plight of Black people and why it seems to be unreasonable to have laws and rights passed creating a system of fairness and justice. society has a lot to repair in my opinion; I feel as if I don’t know enough about politics or the judicial system to go any further down that train of thought. However, I know how it feels when your loved one(s) leave and you are prayerful that’s they will return unharmed. 

I dream of a world much different than the current society many have gotten fed up with. I can see why many have chosen to protest and/or boycott as ways to have our voices heard. I find it strange that I was inspired to write during this time; with so much going on. I thought I’d express the hurt and pain I feel as a Black woman in America. I don’t know if the sentiment has been conveyed the way I feel it in my heart. I suppose my intention is to send love, light and hope to my community as we face what seems to be a modern civil rights movement. I hope we get to a place where human rights are respected and protected by the ones put in position to do that. 

My heart hurts for the families who lost loved ones in such violent and unnecessary ways. I pray their hearts are healed and they find peace. I hope we all tell those we love how we feel and do the work necessary to change laws. I hope we all are doing our parts to make the world a better place to dwell.... 

With love,
Kamille 💗✨


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