Learning To Fly

“Don’t forget to love her. The little girl you used to be. Perhaps She lies within you. Untucked. Sleeping peacefully.”
“Nurture.” By Kiana Llanos

It took me awhile to embody this quote; until in meditation I asked her, my inner child, “what do you need?”. What happened from there made me realize how much growth I’ve experienced in the past few years. I think by asking that question then being silent as she told me areas where I could put more attention towards myself I was at peace. I felt myself untucked, loved and appreciated. I realized all of these years focusing on self-care and self-love is finally beginning to show. Recently I had a conversation with someone and they mentioned me having a “glow” about me. I was ecstatic; mainly because that’s one of the goals I set for myself after so many terrible years dealing with mental issues. I let myself dim, for various reasons; all of which have been placed in their proper context.

I feel anew; as if I’m on the horizon of another goal I’ve set. I intend to begin the master cleanse next week; I have a newfound appreciation for my body, allowing me to successfully complete it three times in the past. I am believing my body will adjust and allow me to complete it again. I want to shed some pounds, but that’s not what it’s all about, I think that’s where things went left on the past few attempts. I was solely focused on physical results as opposed to a physical and spiritual cleansing. I see myself the way I want to be and I know the only thing standing in the way of that is myself. I began walking and was discouraged by the pace I found myself traveling, I remember running and hiking yet I’m walking at a snails pace. It wasn’t until I looked myself in the mirror and assured myself that I would get back to that in due time. 

I have a habit of putting so much pressure on myself I end up self-sabotaging; which is one things that I’ve monitored once I was aware of it. I feel as if this Chiron retrograde is allowing me to uncover wounds so subtle I never realized they were there, shaping certain behavior. I am proud of the woman that I am, for many reasons, but mainly because I know what I went through to come back to her. I don’t know where you may be in your journey or at what pace you find yourself navigating, but I hope to encourage you (am myself) to keep going. I know when it comes to weight loss (or whatever may be challenging for you); time and consistency really are the greatest tools to overcome obstacles. Be patient with yourself, love yourself through all of your phases and stay positive; even when you may not want to. At least that’s what I’m learning and re-learning on the journey I find myself on. 

Kamille 💗✨


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