Retrograde's, Summer Wind's & the Moon

“And suddenly you know: It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” 
Meister Eckhart

One thing I've learned has been to trust new beginnings, giving them room for something different; hopefully something better to occur in my life. I've learned that although some things may look similar to something in the past it is also a chance to put all of the "lessons learned" to use; as well as embrace a new experience. I think with so much of my focus on things causing nostalgia it's great to look forward to things, setting new goals and leaving self open to evolving or being enlightened. I think that's what I'm looking forward to in the present moment; chances to be enlightened along this new journey I find myself on. 

Lately, there have been plenty of earthquakes near my area, add to that the recent Solar Eclipse, several planets in retrograde and the approaching Lunar Eclipse in the coming weeks. All of that feels like a new life to me, I often joke about living so many lifetimes; I mean, I even feel like this present life I'm living feels new every so often. Some events seem like they happened in a different life, like the saying goes "I was a totally different person then". In a sense I'm feeling as if this entry should be on the other blog as it feels like an excerpt from the statement "...a girl; evolving, loving, learning, growing, becoming; a woman.". I feel as if the girl I once was has communicated with the woman I am becoming to say it's time to move forward to something else. I know this is a result of many therapy sessions, tarot readings and meditations/ prayers, nevertheless I will admit to being a bit scared to dive into the next phase, especially with so much going on in the cosmos.  Which reminds me of the phrase "the show must go on" such is life; no matter what, it goes on.

Recently, I thought again of writing a book; I don't know why that feels overwhelming, yet I feel as if some of the things I am afraid to say on the blogs would be better shared that way. The thought is I'd have more room to expound rather than my sometimes vague entries on here. Which is mainly because I don't like the posts to be unnecessarily long (and some of us know how I feel about oversharing). I figure I'll add that to my list of goals and complete it in parts so that I am not discouraged. The trouble comes with the thought "I don't know where to begin" I suppose the answer will reveal itself once the appropriate time comes. 

Back to the cosmos, I feel an unfamiliar pull into uncertainty; I can't seem to describe the feeling or emotions associated with it. I believe with my ruling planet, Saturn, retrograde in my Sun sign, Capricorn the effects for me may be a bit heightened; however I don't know enough about it to go further. With that being said, I find myself at a crossroads; regarding how to focus completely on the future when Mercury (and many other planets are) retrograde which calls for us to reflect, revisit and such. I am unsure how my nostalgic thoughts will express themselves while I'm attempting to move forward. I guess that's where the uncertainty comes in...

While taking a quick break from writing (this entry) I stumbled across my horoscope for today; here's an excerpt:

"Life is not a race; it's an experience. There is no need to rush from one adventure to another, trying to fill your days with action! Today, stop your engines and cool your jets, because if you don't, you could be missing out on something subtle but wonderful in your life..."

Maybe that's the answer; not letting go of nostalgia, but rather embrace it at this present time in an attempt to remember, reflect, readjust my goals/ dreams and if possible reconnect. I truly believe there's something to be said about how astrology, astronomy and our daily lives intertwine. The other day a supporter on my Instagram page asked "what sparked your passion for astrology?" and my answer goes back to when I began studying my natal chart and finding so much information and insight about my personality as well as various aspects I'd never thought about. Add to that, how astrology ties into astronomy which I love. I've been a lover of the Moon for many years, decades now which I wrote about it in an entry titled: Summer Moons. I love the energy I feel as the Moon travels through her cycles and how my mind, body, soul and spirit reacts to her, divine feminine energy; it's astounding!

My hope is to come through this retrograde, eclipse season a better, more evolved, enlightened soul; with a better or should I say a deeper knowledge of my purpose and journey. I pray the same for you; taking the necessary time to relax, reflect and see what is and what no longer serves us and how to transcend the frequency we were once at while embracing the vibration the new Earth is bringing forward. I noticed I said "forward" a lot of times in this entry; I think that's because I am super ready and excited to see what this next chapter of my life holds for me. I hope on some level you can relate or strive to be in that place, the place of magic and manifestation. I pray we all learn something special about our beings during this time as each planet's retrograde holds within it answers to questions we may or may not have asked ourselves or God in prayer.

As I ran a few errands I saw a number which spoke to me so I looked it up on the Angel Numbers App* I use often; so this is what it said (notice the "Angel Power Words"):

What Number "456" Means:

The resulting total number is #6:It is an important time to nurture yourself on all levels. Eating healthy food, drinking ample water and sleeping well, will assist you to maintain a healthy body. Creating a peaceful ambience will also nurture your soul. The Angels recommend bringing harmony to your environment with beautiful flowers, music and crystals.

Your Angel Number contains an ascending number pattern. The messages contained within your 'Total Angel Number' are amplified 100 fold. This is a call to pay attention big time!

Angel Power Words:New Direction

Your Angel Number also contains #56:You may feel like things have been very up and down lately and that you have barely been putting one foot in front of the other. During this time however you have learned many valuable lessons and skills which have resulted in you becoming a very resilient person. Rest assured now that the Angels are guiding you to a much easier road up ahead.

Your Angel Number also contains #45:Call on Archangel Michael when you need extra courage to make changes in your life. Archangel Michael is ready to lead you in a new direction which will bring you to a blissful haven. Breathe deeply and know that you can do it!


This truly makes my heart smile; very often after I choose to post my thoughts I'll get a confirmation from the Universe in (at times) subtle ways which translates to me as saying "keep doing and sharing what you are". I think that is one of the biggest compliments I receive; along with the comments in various Instagram posts saying you can relate or it's what you're going through or something you needed. Those sentiments mean more to me than I can put into words. Thank you!

Blessings ๐Ÿ’—✨

*the angel number app in the link is for iOS; I am not sure if the app with the same name on Google Play is infact the same app; please make note and search as necessary for the right app for you.


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