
As I've written in previous post I am thankful to have various outlets to express myself; especially when I am going through things I find less than desirable. I'm all out of golden ticket (insert sad face here)  and I don't know when I'll have more, so I found my faithful blue dream and I realize that my troubles can wait a day. I enjoyed my Sunday and marveled at the Full Moon, which was so big and bright; I nearly missed it thinking it was something else. I blame the drugs; like Katt Williams says in one of his stand-up comedy shows, weed has an ingredient called "fuck it", today as I allowed the smoke to clear my mind I find myself a bit better than I've been all week. I let out a deep breath and thought "fuck these problems"; worrying has only made me feel worse, so in order to get my desired outcome I much change my mood and vibrate at a higher frequency. I believe that will help, changing my mindset about the problem altogether; like Albert Einstein was believed to have said, "you can not solve problems with the same level of thinking that created them". I spent a week in sadness, anxiety and despair yet while in that energy I was still able to follow up on leads and put myself in a somewhat better position than I was last weekend. 

On March 3, 2021 it's believed that Mars will enter the constellation Gemini which will lead to an activation of the Throat Chakra encouraging us to speak our truths and share our stories. An area that has come up quite often as of late; speaking my truth, even when I feel it may rub others the wrong way. I tend to steer clear of confrontations and conflict altogether, but at times it's all too necessary and it seems the Cosmos supports us in sharing our thoughts with one another as long as they are authentic, honest and true. I realized once another chakra opened that things were going to be a lot different in terms of my communication. I tend to hold things in, which is not good for a person with mental health issues however with prayer, meditations, a tarot reader and a therapist; I feel equipped to handle what I'm facing with a bit of a knowing that everything is working out for me. March 13, 2021, is a New Moon in Pisces which calls for us to trust our inner voice (higher self) while on March 15, 2021, Mercury enters Pisces which urges us to get out of our heads and into our hearts. Leading up to the Full Moon in Libra on March 28, 2021 believed to be a time of healing and transcendence. And with all planets direct until late April there should be less distractions to steer us off of our particular paths. 

I saw a tarot spread on an instagram page and it focused on organizing and balance which I found interesting; I can see things aligning for me, pointing me in the right directions as I sort out my issues. I am thankful to God for the insight to see these signs and symbols leading me out of what feels like a betrayal. I believe it's like I wrote in my last post distractions, I am at the point where I know I have to put my complete trust in God to see me out of my current circumstances. I would love for me to get to a place where I feel safe to relax in my faith without it being tested. There are times when I feel others may test us because we say we want to live a particular way or say we believe in certain things; while other times I wonder if it's the Universe? In this moment I want the test to be over and find security, safety and peace; more importantly for me stability. The other day I expressed being tired and although I don't mean physically I am not sure completely what I meant; I just know things that I am tired of dealing with which seems to be a running joke with the Universe. I find myself in a familiar situation and I am unsure of the lesson I was meant to learn since it's here again. The other day I told myself that I want to go to an alternate Universe where there is no suffering, hate or other low energy dilemmas to battle. Where life is good and the people can live freely without the way this current society seems to be.   

I know, wishful thinking; but at times like this I must lean on the positive side of things as a Capricorn (Sun sign) we are prone to be pessimistic by nature. It took me many years to move past that trait, some days I regress, but for the most part I tend to be more optimistic. I've become a "glass half full" type of person and most times that feels good, yet from time to time I feel as if some people prey on those types. I won't go further down that train of thought, but I will say sometimes I believe karma will handle all the misdeeds some have done. Maybe not in this lifetime or even to that person, I think that's where some "generational curses" (see Exodus 20:534:7Numbers 14:18Deuteronomy 5:9may come into play. For the past few years I have felt more in tune with my Moon sign which is Aquarius, I don't know how that has been expressed, but it feels so different from my Capricorn ways of thinking and being. I've learned to embrace the differences and allow myself to experience life as it comes. I hope you have found or will find your outlets and use your voice to take up space in your life. Thats one thing I'm working on in the present time, speaking my truth and listening to my inner voice for continued guidance.


Kamille 💗✨


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