summer breeze

"I am the daughter of myself. I am born of my own dream. My dream sustains me."

Rosario Castellanos

I attempted to complete a tarot spread, but I felt as if my heart wasn't in it so I said I'd revisit it at a later time. I've been doing well in this heat, thankful that I'm not experiencing triple digit weather; although it's pretty close. It was a bit dramatic how the weather changed with the season, I love Summer; I don't see that changing in this lifetime, but some days; like today it would've been nice to have cooler temperatures. I did however enjoy a pool day!  I saw the above quote and thought it would be great for an expression on the blog; I am not completely sure how I interpret it. I suppose it has to do with soul contracts and such, which I don't fully believe in; or should I say I don't fully understand. However I do feel as if there's a dream which sustains me; I feel as if I was born for something, I guess that's why I'm always writing about finding my purpose. Which goes along nicely with the following quote:

"my soul is from elsewhere, I'm sure of it; and I intend to end up there"


At times this world, Earth; feels foreign to me. As if I am not from here yet I do not always know where I belong, I believe we are made up of many stars and from stardust we were formed however that's where my imagination stops. I don't usually go down that philosophical road or should I saw "down the rabbit hole" of thoughts, it can be scary or downright crazy if you follow those trains of thought too far. I did a tarot spread for the New Moon however I have yet to do my monthly "check-in"; that's the one I began earlier this month, but the cards weren't cooperating. The New Moon is believed to be from Wednesday, July 7, 2021 through Sunday, July 11, 2021; it is said to represent new beginnings as well as reflection regarding previous goals and/or projects. For the past few weeks I've seen 999 several times, when seeing this number it is supposed to mean something is coming to it's end and there are new beginnings on the horizon. I started thinking of what in my life may be completed and if I've evolved beyond certain circumstances? At this moment nothing comes to mind, but I intend to give it plenty of thought, I may even write those thoughts out in my private journal. 

That's something I've been yearning to restart, writing in my private journals; I think that's a reason why there's so much time between posts. Attempting to choose which thoughts to share verses which should be private takes a lot of time and thought.  Thankfully I have therapy often enough to talk through some of the thoughts and put them in perspective. I added some hash to my session this morning and I feel the effects opening various chakras, I feel a tingling sensation throughout my body and along my spine; the music is a vibe I enjoy and the room smells heavenly, scents of golden ticket and vanilla incense. I later added vodka with cranberry juice to the mix and I feel amazing. Seeing how today is 7/10 (also known as 710 or oil; which is a holiday in the cannabis community to celebrate and partake in various concentrated cannabis products). I intend to add some cannabis oil to my coffee or some other hot beverage in celebration of the "holiday"....

Happy New Moon and Hello Summer 🌑🖤⭐


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