on course

"go beyond your little world and find the grandeur of God's world."

So I've completed my first few assignments for my course; creative writing- nonfiction. The class is not what I expected which is great; because I find it challenging; in a good way. It is covering an aspect of writing that I've mentioned when anticipating taking the class; which was finding my voice in my writing. I am looking forward to see the progress once I reach the end of this course. It's interesting how this and the next course I am registered for - astronomy, will overlap and conclude at the end of the year. That is significant to me because of the intentions and affirmations I set for myself during that time.

The end of one year and beginning of another is so refreshing to me as it is a chance to improve upon things and really see what no longer serves us as we go from one space in time to another. Especially seeing how soon after the New Year I'll become a new age! I'm actually excited for this  birthday and I am unsure as to why that is. Seeing how I have yet to make or even begin to think of any plans. I feel myself outgrowing my "little world" and moving towards "the grandeur of God's world"; slowly, but at a good pace.  I hope to have rediscovered the space of the Soul where creativity lives; I've been focusing on tapping into that space more often.  

I read a tarot spread for a friend recently which went well; I've learned in my time away from tarot, to trust my intuition a lot more than I have in the past. I saw that through the reading I was more confident in my interpretation and delivery, it also helped that the cards were accurate for the experience. I intend to do a reading for myself, however I have yet to attract the prompts I resonate with or think of any on my own. I also plan to do the "Monthly Check- In" spread at the beginning of September. I am also participating in a Virgo Reset Cleanse*, scheduled for the seventeenth (17th) and a Mercury Grounding* for the retrograde (approximately September 9th- October 2nd). 

I feel on some level I've been slacking with my spiritual practices and am attempting to improve as I've also been focusing on my mental, emotional, psychical and financial health these days. Much of which is quite time consuming. Making sure to take breaks and mental health days as necessary; I think I'm going to schedule a "Kamille Appreciation Day" very soon; once I review my responsibilities for the remainder of August and the month of September. The year is going by pretty quickly as I think of how we are approaching the last quarter of it. Although I don't celebrate any of the festivities centered around October until December, I am excited for the Autumn/ Fall season just as well. A time for Ugg boots, spiked hot beverages and a light chill in the California air.

As the music plays and times passes by, I am reminded of an errand I have scheduled and I have to decide how much longer I intend to write. I am suddenly reminded of the Full Moon and begin to feel excitement brewing within my being. It's funny how my cycle is sync'd with the Moon; it used to be with the New Moon, now it's often closer to the Full Moon. I read that signifies empowerment for self as well as other women. I feel that; empowered, as if by reclaiming my spiritual practices I am empowering myself with what my Soul needs at this time. 

I had cannabis oil in my coffee and I am still feeling the effects; which I like, since I don't need another dose for some time. I have a little less than an hour to get myself together and get on the road, a drive I am looking forward to. I have a feeling the music will be just right and traffic will be at bay. I have yet to learn the title of this expression, however I am allowing the words to flow through me as we all discover them for the first time. I never draft my expressions, I simply type then edit for grammar and typos then publish. A practice I find to be quite freeing as it is not censored or tailored to a specific narrative.

I'm looking forward to my hair and Rocko's grooming appointments scheduled for this week. Unfortunately, Rocko has to get a haircut, an experience he is less than fond of; however it's necessary. I've dubbed his appointment, "Rocko Appreciation Day"; seeing how he is my emotional support animal and he does so much to keep me in good spirits.  He is such a comedian in his own right; keeping a smile on my face and a laugh in my heart. 

As the music changes and I've completed a New Moon tarot spread for myself; the results were positive, encouraging and uplifting. I'm trying to figure out what I want to do next; since I have yet to think of a title for this expression, I've decided to continue to write. I'm also attempting to tap into what I'm feeling in the moment and I am a bit "all over the place". I bought a new lipstick and I'm excited to try it on again; initially I didn't think I liked it, but over time I think I'll give it another try! So far, I don't like it. I'm new to the red lip, but of the three (3) shades I have they all seem to be more orange or brown than red. I feel determined to find the perfect shade! In the meantime it'll be lipgloss and mascara for a while. 

I received more grades on assignments submitted and they were all "A's"; that made me happy!  Especially since this is my third attempt at College; my first attempt I became a mother and lost focus, the second time a few years ago, I was plagued with anxiety and couldn't commit to in class courses. This time thankfully the courses I'm registered for are online, I'm almost certain that won't be the case for all of the courses I'll need to transfer with my degree in English, but I am hopeful. That's another area I feel my "little world" expanding; I think I may be open to take classes on campus, maybe next semester or in the near future...

until next time

*visit @mysticxlipstic on twitter for additional information regarding the energy cleanse as well as grounding for Mercury Retrograde


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