floating in a pleasant mind and body high

Staring at the page thoughts of what to share flood my mind. I have a pretty eventful week approaching and although I said recently that I wasn't quite in the mood to socialize, I think my mind may have changed. Party tonight, appointments on Tuesday then Thanksgiving on Thursday. As always I will not be participating in the rush of stores on "Black Friday", however, I may take advantage of some "Cyber Monday" sales... I don't know if you call them anniversaries or memorials, but this time last year I was involved in a car accident, which I am still recovering from mentally as well as physically (slightly). I've been able to recognize areas in my mind where there is fear in regard to driving at times. It is my intention to overcome such fear and return to a place where I enjoy driving again. 

As words to share begin to escape me I listen to the lyrics of the song playing in an attempt to generate some type of inspiration. Another song plays... Thoughts of coursework comes to mind causing me to address the matter so that I can get back to writing something for "fun". Thinking of the three (3) joints I've smoked this morning, I am contemplating going to get more from the car. I don't know why Ieft them there; but they're there nonetheless. A memory of my walks on the beach come to mind in a montage and I recall witnessing the Sun rise over a course of days. Feelings of longing comes to my being as I wish I had seen the Sun rise this morning, starting my week off with gratitude and admiration. 

A month or two (2) ago while on an impromptu "Kamille Appreciation Day", I treated myself to lunch and as I awaited a table I decided to go into a shop where I found a couple cute dresses. One in particular has become one of my favorites as it is black with white polka dots and has pockets. Two (2) of my favorite things; polka dots and dresses with pockets! When I purchased said dress I thought to myself "I can wear this to the party" then I smiled. The only thing is I should have purchased a pair of shoes at the same damn time, I have a pair to wear, but I think I could've found some that fit together better. Nevertheless, today is the day and I have what I have so I'll make it work. 

I will admit, there was a debate on whether I'd attend or not, once the decision came to me I now the question is am I going to wash my hair or save that for another day? Deciding to embrace my natural hair has become quite liberating. I am in love with the products I've discovered and am even happier with the fact that many of them come from Black, women, owned companies. The other debate is whether I'll polish my nails a color or leave them with the clear shine they have as of now. These seem like simple things, but with anxiety I have to cover all of my bases or I'll somehow talk myself into not going or waiting until it's too late to make those time consuming decisions. 

I don't know what it is about November, but I seem to have the most life changing events occur during this month. Over the years I've experienced three (3) car accidents, a life changing decision as well as a life changing diagnosis. As I hear from deep within "pity, party of 1" I disregard the direction this expression could go in and decide to keep things fun and embody the lessons learned rather than allow myself to engage in a "pity party". That was a part of my reasoning in debating going out tonight or not, I feel the desire to be surrounded by loved ones, good music, good food and good reefer; all of my many favorite things. 

As I think of bringing this expression to an end I realize I'd have nothing to do after pressing "publish" so the answers are clear of what to do next; wash my hair and polish my nails. I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend and as always until next time...


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