fly me to the Moon

"fly me to the Moon/ and let me play among the stars..."

Doris Day, fly me to the Moon (in other words)

With the weather being moody I haven't been on my fitness routine as I would like to be. It's projected to rain soon and of course I will not take the risk of getting sick. Also, my efforts to stop smoking [cigarettes] has become more challenging than expected. Receiving some not so pleasant news recently has me smoking as usual rather than the decrease I saw prior to said news. However, through it all I've decided to create an alkaline body for myself, one which I suppose I won't have the desire to smoke a cigarette any longer. 

I am looking forward to the week break from coursework and studies, although I do plan to read a chapter for my Philosophy course in order to get a jump start on the week to come. Again, had I planned this out better I would be on an island right now; yet here we are...

Yesterday when I titled this expression I wanted to get on a jet plane and fly to the Moon, today; not so much. In other words, I've come to terms with things and have made a decision to recalibrate my body; from the inside out. I began in September (approximately) taking various herbs and supplements which I intend to increase as the month progresses. Kush Mints has helped with my well-being as of today, the feelings of relaxation and euphoria combined with the soothing spa sounds of "New Blue Sun" has transformed me into a new mindset. One where I recognize progress while setting new goals for myself.

I will admit, there was a time in the not so distant past where I'd ask myself "do you have any goals?" unfortunately, the answer was "no" more times than not. Since August that has changed. Believing in myself to reach my goals while acknowledging the work that is required to achieve them has brought me a newfound joy. As Thanksgiving approaches I find myself not much in a mood to socialize, for not good reason; perhaps it's the bipolar disorder or anxiety speaking. Nevertheless, as of now I would like nothing more than to stay home, cook something simple and relax as the world works itself into a frenzy preparing for the holidaze [Thanksgiving, Black Friday & Cyber Monday].

As the midnight hour approaches and sleep is ever present, I will call it a night and hopefully get the urge to share again before the holidaze begin.

Until next time...


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