Pink Skies

I just smoked a strain called Golden Ticket and instantly felt compelled to write; that's rarely happened with the exception of Blue Dream and Space Queen both of which have become favorites of mine. I learned of this strain from a friend who referred to it as "everything I want in my marijuana" with that being said I was super excited when I found it, after looking for several months. I recently took an impromptu staycation to Las Vegas, and enjoyed a bit of shopping and visiting with family, although it wasn't a tropical resort the relaxation was much needed. That is until pains crept up in my back from driving the distance; almost immediately I paid a visit to my chiropractor and later attempted to schedule an appointment for a massage, which unfortunately did not happen as planned. I did however see the Sun as it was setting and the sky was this amazing color pink; mixed with various hues of blue, orange and purple. Although a bit bittersweet because much of the color variation has to do with the smoke in the air mixed with typical Los Angeles smog. Nevertheless, it was beautiful all the same. 

I wrote on the other blog about pink skies before, but the content was much different; mainly about someone from my past and the state of our relationship, interestingly enough I was in love. That post was in 2012, looking back I can see the girlish beauty in the words I choose yet the entire read is too personal to share, especially since that person and I are no longer on speaking terms. Funny thing is, I am happy that I was able to think back on those days with fond memories and not want to relive or revisit the situation. I can see my growth, from nostalgia and having regrets to moving past those feelings and accepting things the way they are. That simple transmutation made such a huge difference in my life, by not holding on to the past I feel I am able to better use that energy for thoughts of my current reality as well as manifesting dreams and ideas I have in mind. I feel anew, as if being of a certain age has liberated me. I feel youthful as if I am not actually the age I am, but more of the age I feel, At times the trouble with that is it sparks memories from when I was actually twenty years younger and the state of my life at that time.

When I was in my twenties I had a lot of fun, without much thought of the future. Even though I no longer regret decisions made during that time I find that I no longer wish things were different, with the exception of my career and the way it turned out; but I won't go into that. So, back to the pink sky and golden ticket; I am in a euphoric state of being, as if nothing negative exists in my life, which is almost odd except I had a conversation with my tarot reader recently and we discussed how I had been "bored" lately, we then discovered my idea of boredom has been the lack of drama and dismay I had been experiencing since approximately 2012 when I developed anxiety disorder, ptsd, depression and such. I'm getting accustomed to this new life I've created for myself. As I think of therapeutic things to do during the day along with errands and avoiding crowded spaces I find myself with a lot of time on my hands. Like, time to watch the Sunset or gaze at the Moon...

With the Moon in Aquarius (my Moon sign), I feel a bit emotional, not in a way which will make me cry; but more so in tuned with myself and the world around me. I spoke about feeling connected before and I have not quite been able to put the feelings into words, I think as my tarot reader suggested, my psychic abilities are heightening and my body is adjusting. That may sound a bit crazy, however I could not find any other words to make it make sense. Although many have reacted to the events of 2020 as if the year has been doomed or "toxic", but I feel a bit different, I feel as if 2020 has exposed a lot of areas where growth, compassion and understanding are necessary. I'm actually looking forward to the last quarter of this year as well as what 2021 has in store. I believe as cliche as it sounds "when life throws you lemons, make lemonade", I'm not quite sure what people expected to occur in 2020 that makes reality so detrimental; that is with the exception of the circus of an election we are headed for. I've learned to be more optimistic, not only with myself, but with others and the world at large. I think that has helped me to remain happy as some would say the world is ending.

I think the world is ending, in a sense; I pray the injustice, racism and inhumane treatment of others would end. While in my bubble of happiness I still find myself frustrated with the current judicial system when it comes to unnecessary killings of Black people, most recently in the case of Breonna Taylor. I know it will take much time however I have noticed more people when I'm out and about seem to be a bit nicer, kinder, more helpful and even thoughtful. I pray as we "stick together" during this pandemic we can find ways to make the world better, friendlier, more of service to one another. I pray more laws are passed and murderers are convicted when they disobey the law regardless if they are paid to uphold it. Sometimes I tell myself that is all wishful thinking, but on some level I believe it will happen, even if it's not during this lifetime for me. I sit here with thoughts of empathy and heavyheartedness as I have these conflicting emotions. Happiness on one hand and frustration on the other, however I still feel balanced, something I fight very hard to maintain. The regimen I've concocted for myself seems to be working and I feel the difference.

I think that's why I love when the sky is pink, it feels so pure and open to possibilities; which is how I feel. I feel at peace,  as if all is right in my world for a change; without expecting "the other shoe to drop".  Instead I am looking forward to blessings and wisdom which is all a testament to the research I've been doing by learning my natal chart aspects. Understanding the many facets of who I am rather than focusing solely on my Sun sign, Capricorn; which can be a bit pessimistic at times. I like where my journey has taken me thus far, into the land of natal charts, tarot and a better understanding of myself and at times others. So I suppose I'm looking forward to the last quarter of the year because it's the season of pink skies as the Sun sets into the Autumn and Winter skies...


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