Thank you all for the many prayers and birthday messages, as you may be aware I survived surgery!  Expressing my concerns while attempting to hide somethings going on with me, I was happy to get a bit of it off my chest in the last expression "close to a milestone". As I embrace my new age I must take some time to be completely transparent with myself before sharing on such a public outlet. Which brings me to another thing worth acknowledging, Thank you to all of you who find the time to engage with the blogs. As many new locations appear in the stats, I am at times surprised and curious to know how particular countries found my words. Also hopeful, that something I've shared has been meaningful in some way. In this moment I am filled with gratitude and an awareness of myself that is unfamiliar; perhaps it came with the new age. 

In my plans to stop smoking for the past few months, I am happy to admit that I have not smoked a cigarette since the day before surgery; which is about a week now. While completing coursework, meditating and caring for myself as I heal I found myself frustrated and wanting to smoke. Not necessarily a cigarette, but the urge to smoke would not shake from me so I ordered some diamond infused joints. The frustration left me and now I feel as high as I want to be and in the mood to listen to music and write to you all in an update of sorts. I believe I have decided to possibly disclose matters at hand once I complete two (2) weeks post surgery. I still need time and thought into how I feel about things along with what I understand things to be since having it and how much I want to share with you all. I don't have much to share in this expression, I just wanted to touch basis with you and let you know I am okay...


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