
Showing posts from September, 2024

paint them all

Feeling the effects of the Super Full Moon approaching; and seemingly in alignment with the principle of this time, as I have been writing about intuition, manifestation, dreams, etc. seeing how it is synchronized within my being. In the mood for exercise, when I speak with my physician I'll have that discussion, until then I think I'll relax and keep my attention on healing [physically as well as spiritually]. Emotionally, I am in a space where I may be able to distinguish the thoughts and feelings to share with you all and those that should remain private. It came to me suddenly as I as writing this expression. As I began to battle within about a decision so simple, as a matter of a location and if I am obligated to invite someone or if I can enjoy it alone? The word choice of obligation is interesting as it suggests I am responsible for anyone other than myself [and Rocko]. For sake of showing my age, I am an "empty nester" , so who other than my emotional support


   "what if I told you I'm incapable of tolerating my own heart?" Virginia Woolf It was the end of August [this year] when I began this expression, some others flowed at a different rate and were published at the time of being written. This one had a quote by Virginia Woolf which needed some time to dissect That's how I came across another Woolf quote which I wrote to, "beautiful dreamer"   I mentioned being in an unfamiliar space and embracing myself; I suppose to a new depth that without saying I've never experienced before. I t wasn't until it [the quote] was fully understood that I was somewhat able to begin with how I interpreted the words and how they resonated with me.  118 is a special number for me as it represents the month and day of my birth, as the 1 signifies new beginnings and 8 is for abundance or luck; all together allowing for the ability to manifest dreams and the like. I notice a lot of alignment in my life yet the results as far

beautiful dreamer

"I am in the mood to dissolve into the sky." Virginia Woolf Biscotti Mints is an interesting strain, it's said to have creative effects; I say interesting because there's another Biscotti Mintz  which I suppose is more well known. Having similar effects it feels like the s is better than the z, for me.  The uplifting and calming effects are much needed these days so I thought I'd sit here and see where the thoughts would take me.  Discovering new strains or strains that have been around for a while, but are new to me is a bit exciting; mainly because I don't completely know what the experience will be. I am in good spirits, thanks to the reefer and availability of the necessary doctors I need to see in regard to my vision. I have yet to think of anything else to add to my gratitude list, but the ability to write has been major.  Lately, with the talkativeness I felt as if I did not want to overshare anything without being vague. My writing used to be that way

I think you need love

"Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course."   William Shakespeare I wrote an expression about adversity prior to learning this quote yet when I read it I knew it was the sentiment I wanted to capture. During a conversation recently I recognized the generations after the 1980's are different. I've longed for the moment I step fully into wisdom; I recall a time when I had young adults in my presence and I'd attempt to provoke thought and confidence. Life happened and we went our separate ways to later get a  "Thank you..."  email  acknowledging the wisdom I'd instilled throughout our journey together. Wisdom to understand perhaps why things may not make sense, but are necessary. To embrace the uncomfortable is not an easy feat, especially when it feels as if life is knocking you around. As George Bernard Shaw said:   "youth is wasted on the young" , to gain knowledge which turns to wisdom would be a great