An evolution of happiness

“fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.”
- William Wordsworth

Since the onset of mental illnesses and the events thereafter I have struggled with knowing the desires of my heart. I have learned myself in new ways; ways I am unsure I would've learned had I not experienced the things which brought me to the journey I find myself on. Recently, I've been thinking about happiness and what it means/ how it looks to me and I must admit it has been more difficult than I expected. As I spoke with my tarot reader not long ago; we discussed happiness and it was suggested that I may actually be afraid to be happy, which wasn't much of a surprise. I realized that quite some time ago, various series of events lead to the feelings I was associating as a side effect of being happy.

I remembered at the time I was happiest however simultaneously I was being sabotaged in one area of life and betrayed in another; which lead to some of the saddest times of my life. The who, what, when, where and why's aren't important, but the emotions associated with such things has lead to symptoms which suggest PTSD. I came to think that being happy would attract all of the things I make efforts to steer clear of.

I began this expression last year around this time, I suppose it took this long to continue due to the work necessary to overcome that fear. The fear of allowing myself to be happy. I find myself in an unfamiliar space; deep in feelings of optimism and joy. I can’t recall the specific steps taken to get to this point, however I do know it took a lot of self-care and self-love. I now know some of what my heart desires, which is refreshing.

I find myself wanting to burst with excitement for all of the potential I see within myself. After a bit of redirection; in another city, with its own air and sounds. Yet, I know it here, the way it moves and how it feels and I will admit basking in feelings of nostalgia. I think over the past several years I’ve come to miss this feeling. It’s somewhat like a refresher however since I’ve evolved a bit over time I can now see with an alternate perspective. I pray as time goes on I don’t lose this feeling again; I feel as if I’ve learned how to better understand my self, the triggers and their effects. I’m looking forward to seeing my self continue to evolve until I see the woman within as I look out.

Kamille 💗✨


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