Venus on Display: New Beginnings

As of late I’ve been adjusting to various changes in my life; including my mental health treatment strategies. After discontinuing my meds for a while I decided it was time to lower my dosage while micro-dosing medical marijuana, which brings me to my recent concoction: Blackwater, Black Jack, Mimosa, Sherberry Pie and Sour Diesel all of which cause various effects that I’m growing accustomed to. Many of the strains mentioned produce happiness, euphoria and uplifting effects; which are wonderfully a part of my current state of mind. 

Over the years with mental illnesses I’ve learned a lot about marijuana and how it helps me balance my emotions and such. One thing I did not expect from this cocktail has been a major enhancement to my ability to focus as well as create. For about 5 years I smoked sativa later preferring hybrids, which to me is good for the various conditions I face. I suppose there are many ways to think of marijuana as well as the philosophy associated with why a person partakes. Mine is a bit on the spiritual side as I often meditate before, during and after. 

Another thing that has really kept me in tune with myself has been my love for astrology and astronomy; especially the Moon. While at the beach several times this week I realized I hadn’t seen the Moon in quite some time, I then remembered that the Moon has been void for some time now; soon entering her New Moon phase. Which I find a bit bittersweet because although she’s still active in her role in the Universe she’s out of sight. I refer to the Moon as “she” or “her” due to the belief that the Moon harnesses divine feminine energy. I feel in synch with the Moon, I have for a very long time (see Summer Moon’s) I can’t quite put into words how my being is anticipating the energy of the upcoming New Moon, not completely knowing what to expect, especially with various planets in retrograde. 

I feel an awakening of sorts approaching; or perhaps my knowledge of said awakening means it’s already on the horizon. Due to insomnia I hadn’t realized I’ve been massaging my third eye for days now; so of course something is bound to activate... I took a break from writing this post to recharge and allow inspiration to give me the words to finish, when I was reminded of the Lion’s Gate Portal occurring August 8, 2020. With ascension symptoms along with insomnia I am feeling the energy on a larger scale than usual. I feel as if I’m recognizing aspects of myself for what seems to be the first time, however its all too familiar; possibly from a past life. 

I’m excited for all this time has to offer as far as enlightenment, alignment and creativity. I am hopeful for the possibilities of so many good things to occur.  I hope we all get the codes and other information necessary for ascension. I feel my chakras opening, some have been blocked for a while. I also feel as if I’m learning differently; it’s as if many of life’s lessons finally make sense to me. I believe that has also lead to my state of happiness, letting go of the things which no longer serves me while envisioning my purpose here on Earth; something I truly wish to embody along my current journey. 

Kamille 💗✨



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