every season is me season 2

  “I can do nothing for you but work on myself... you can do nothing for me but work on yourself!”

― Ram Dass, Be Here Now

As mentioned I rushed at the end of "every season is me season", not on purpose, but in order to make my workout on time. The work out was great! I pushed a little further than the days before, unfortunately I did not do the stairs as I thought I'd be driving a lot today. I did not think of a title until the end when I decided to bring the expression to an end for above said reasons. Typically, some people announce their "me season" around their birthday; suggesting that they are focused on themselves and their projected goals or plans for their new age. However, I believe "me season" should be year around. Giving room to grow, unlearn things which are no longer serving our highest good along with any health (mental, physical, spiritual, emotional), wellness or other type of goals. 

When thinking on the things shared in the above mentioned expression, my interpretation is about self-care, self-love and the like. Being that we are all the main characters of our lives, it is up to us to embrace, enhance and evolve into the greatest version of ourselves as possible. That's what I mean when I say, "every season is me season".  I needed that rest on Sunday as well as Monday, my body feels rejuvenated and my mind has a clarity which allowed me to complete the majority of my coursework in record time. As plans for today were cancelled, I took the opportunity to workout, run errands, complete coursework and rest.

Embracing my natural hair I've found a style that works for me and I have been proudly being myself (natural hair and nails). Although, it's a simple style; I feel as if it makes me look younger and as I continue to shed unwanted pounds I feel as if I am beginning to see the girl in myself that I've missed for so long. Back in the day when I was running and walking 5 miles per day and hiking at Runyon Canyon, I felt and looked my best. Since all of the trauma surrounding anxiety and such I've seemed to have lost sight of her for so many years, due to the center of my focus being my mental health. I feel as if I can come up for air, not saying I do not battle these issues yet 11 years in, I've learned how to navigate myself in times of distress and appreciate times of happiness. 

As the quote says: :  “I can do nothing for you but work on myself... " , contently working on myself for the past 11 years I am finally learning to understand to accept the good days and tend to myself as necessary on the not so good days. As I contemplate having a cocktail in a bit of a celebration for the progress I have made and continue to make. I am not sure yet so I'll allow time to tell. In other news, not much else is going on that I'd like to share. Taking a day off from the workout tomorrow, the intention is to get the necessary rest required to continue for Thursday seeing that I am unavailable to workout on Friday. I may go on Saturday or Sunday which will make a consistent 3-4 days this week (depending if I go Saturday or Sunday). 

Awaiting dinner, I think this is a good place to bring this expression to a close. Before I do, I'd like to say "Thank you" for accompanying me on my various journeys as I am learning to navigate this thing called life. I appreciate you all for "riding" with me... 


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