pass the dutchie

"pass the dutchie 'pon the left hand side"
~musical youth, pass the dutchie

The aroma of reefer fills the room and the song plays inspiring the writer within. I've decided to stop smoking cigarettes and stick solely to marijuana, in the past I only smoked sativa leaving me with an overstimulated pineal gland. After over five years of exclusively partaking in sativa, my third eye took me on a trip I never want to experience again. I have now embraced the benefits of hybrid and indica strains, smoking sativa sparingly. After prayer, meditation, research and an honest chat with myself I've decided to begin hiking... well, walking as a start, but when I think of it, hiking is basically walking with a purpose. In addition I intend to begin juicing and I've even found some herbs which will assist with the goal of stopping smoking. I made a point to avoid the word "quit" or "quitting" smoking as we have been indoctrinated with negative connotations in regard to the word "quit" so I prefer to say I am stopping instead. 

I have a friend who is committed to this aspect of my journey as he is also on a journey of healing, fitness and the like. So far the plan is to begin on Monday and go three times a week, the days chosen works well for anxiety as it is during the work week when most are obviously at work, meaning less people on the trails. In addition to the luxury of early morning walking I figure it will be a great way to begin each day and week. The best part about the hike scheduled for this week is that there is a waterfall in the midst of the trail. Some of you may know how much I love water as a close second to the Moon. When I say water, I'm referring to the ocean, lakes, waterfalls and such. The energy and flow of the moving water brings me such clarity and calmness, for example when I visit the beach and enjoy the time spent there. 

I have found a new desire to elevate my commitment and focus concerning my health, as I approach a new age I am reminded of a goal I had in mind for my next milestone age; which is a year and a few months away. Beginning Sunday, I have some things to add to my routine which will contribute to those goals. I will admit, I am excited! The best part for me is I do not feel as if this is a fad, I feel intrigued to see myself a year from now with various changes; or should I say, improvements or enhancements. I've been researching juicing for some time and years ago I curated a "vision board", which consisted of various goals, including healthy, glowing skin along with a degree and some other personal goals I'd rather not share as they are sacred to me. Anyway, as many of you may know I've returned to college; so the degree is on its way. With hiking, juicing, stopping cigarettes and returning to my spiritual practices such as "sacred time", which consists of prayer and meditation; sometimes with music, other times with devotional type material in addition to Full and New Moon rituals, tarot reading, astrology, astronomy and embracing my crystals.

Interestingly I typically choose not to write about my plans however, today I feel as if the power of putting my intentions in writing will allow me to see the success I envision as I figure out this aspect of my journey. In years prior I neglected my physical body while enhancing my spiritual body, but micromanaging my emotional and mental health. As of today I am more in tune with myself and the understanding of nurturing my whole self (mind, body, soul and spirit). Embracing certain attributes while striving to be the best version of myself is not something I am entering into lightly. I've given much thought, tears, research and now dedication to seeing the woman of my dreams become my reality. As I ponder lighting the third pre-roll of my writing session I realize the song has ended yet the queue is filled with reggae music. This is a first as I typically listen to random music with no set genre in mind or rotation.

I am unsure what was sparked in me, however, for me to write two complete expressions in one session has been a long time coming. I believe it is the determination to be better that has me more focused and able to embrace the words I'd like to share. Unfortunately, I've gotten hungry and a bit sleepy so I'm going to take a break and see what comes to mind to share once I awaken...


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