mystic brew and a blunt, or two

I woke up this morning feeling fantastic! I was bored yesterday and I couldn't figure out why, well I knew I would rather be doing something other than what I was doing yet didn't know what that was. I don't like that feeling, however it happens often, unfortunately. My coffee is too hot to drink right now, but I am anticipating the sensation of the coffee mixed perfectly with berry pie cannabis oil. The coffee is strong and the caramel macchiato creamer brings a beautiful flavor to the drink, no sugar added. I had another person tell me to write a book the other day, I'm starting to feel a bit of pressure causing me to be overwhelmed, then I re-read an expression I wrote in 2013; titled "Morning Coffee" where I quoted Toni Morrison which says "if there is a book you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it". So I'm thinking of the story I want to tell, initially I thought of doing an autobiography type of book, then I thought maybe fiction; loosely based on my life... I don't know. I intend to meditate on it for a while and see what comes to me. I will admit, I am beginning to get excited about it, remembering I jotted down some book ideas and loose character backgrounds in an old journal that I have. I'll probably revisit that at some point today. I feel inspired and encouraged; knowing that I have a different type of support than I've had in the past. Realizing I've been writing on the blogs for approximately sixteen (16) years, although the expressions from 2006- 2009 were deleted. That's a decision I regret in a sense, because I can't remember what gems may have been in those writings; but "there are no mistakes or accident's, everything happens as it should". At least that's something I tell myself often. Sometimes I think I should be a better writer by now then I remember I taught myself and I feel as if my voice is heard and my vibe is felt through my words; so I get over those insecurities and keep going.

Now I'm in the mood to smoke and since animal mints is all I have at the moment that'll be what it is. I like the mix of the two (2) strains; they make me feel uplifted, energized and with berry pie; talkative which is perfect for my radio show on Amp (app) this evening on Moon Goddess Radio. I'm currently listening to the playlist I made for last Saturday's show and I gotta say, it's a vibe. A friend suggested I make a playlist on Tidal for the show so that I can share it with others* if interested and to say that was a great idea is an understatement! I feel chipper today; not at all jittery from the coffee which is a feeling I do not look forward to when I make my coffee too strong or add maca root to the mix. I haven't had maca root in quite a while because of the effect it has on the libido; at the moment I don't need anything to increase that. As written in honesty hour (mature content) my over-active sex drive doesn't need any assistance with it's function. I remember writing about my abstinence journey; why I decided to begin it as well as how it was going (see "I've got a story to tell" from 2012 as an example). Since the occurrence described in that story I've done the Goddess Detox and made a new commitment to myself regarding self-love as well as my intentions when it comes to sexual encounters. I viewed the experience as a spiritual one; detoxing from all of the feelings, emotions and "soul ties" of all previous "sessions", I took it so seriously that I removed my beloved IUD in order to detox properly. The expression "Mermaid Life" comes to mind, as I re-read my words about sacred energy exchange (sex) and how it was my soul crying out for a deeper connection. I was also reminded why I became abstinent in the first place. I have recently abandoned "team abstinence"; however the experiences I've had since doing so have been exactly what I was waiting for. I don't even know how I got on this topic, nevertheless; there we are. 

As Jimi Hendrix sings "little wing" and scents of vanilla fill the air, I am feeling as if I am in the clouds; I took a moment to run errands before temperatures reached triple digits today. I found myself using birthday gift cards six (6) months later; I cleaned up too since the store of my choice was having a seventy-five percent (75%) off sale! I will say my day is going very well as I anticipate my "hump day" playlist scheduled for this evening at five (5 pm) pst. I changed the time for this show to take over for my stream mate @kingleopicasso who usually does a show at that time (5am & 5pm pst; Monday through Friday). That's the great thing about being on a team of friends who support, encourage and advise one another on a regular basis. I am enjoying the support as I find my numbers increasing, request(s) for mentorship as well as the process of stepping out of my comfort zones; as well as witnessing the wonderful opportunities opening up for them. I am happy; a feeling I wish to stay indefinitely. I enjoy writing and sharing in this energy because its so different from when I wrote champagne and reefer the other day. I am also looking forward to Friday evening when @darlinglandie does her "Mild Sauce Radio" show at 8:30pm pst/ 10:30 central. As I shared before on the blog, I've become obsessed with broadcasting; although I can't hear my own commentary and the app doesn't save the shows I enjoy the feedback as well as those who "call in" to the show to give such or make requests. I was recently given a suggestion to start a YouTube channel and upload videos there however I am not quite that far out of my comfort zone for that just yet.

The song "the third eye" by Roy Ayers is now playing and I feel as if I've download sacred information about myself; as if my third eye had been stimulated and opened a portal into my Soul. I love it here! Although I could not find the journal I mentioned earlier, I have a feeling it may be in one of the boxes I have yet to unpack. I did however find a book titled "all about me" which is a guided journal diving into all things pertaining to "me" (you if you decide to purchase the book). I began it years ago and decided to return where I'd left off during my impromptu Kamille appreciation day. I created this day was an ode to myself where I lather myself in self-care and self-love to show appreciation for myself. I encourage you to add that to your special days to celebrate yourself on days that are not your birthday, Mother's/Father's Day, etc. It made a world of a difference in the areas of confidence as well as my self-esteem. Showering myself with love, time, attention and positive energy on a grander level than the regular every day caring for yourself. The playlist is nearly over and I am tempted to listen to the one for this evening, but I want to experience it with the listeners so I'll need to find something else; maybe Sunday's? 

"Mystic Brew" is playing and I immediately thought of a title when I heard it; the mellow tunes fit perfectly into my mood today; light and upbeat at the same damn time. Allowing me to revisit thoughts I felt on Saturday as well as bringing new thoughts to mind as I hear it again, for the first time. I am looking forward to the "holiday" weekend; deciding what to do, but intending to have fun nevertheless. I don't know if I'll share again before the 4th, but I do intend to do my Moon Goddess Radio show on Sunday. Either way I wanted to take a moment to wish you all a happy weekend and safe 4th of July. If you have pet's please consider them as they may be fearful of the fireworks/ firecrackers and need a little extra tender love and care during the next few days, weeks or month. I know where I'm from people usually begin with fireworks in June throughout July and at times into August. At any rate, please be mindful of your fur babies. Lastly, to the cannabis community; please remember to "medicate" responsibly.

Happy "Hump" Day!

*feel free to message me on social media (@KingKamille3) for the link to a Tidal playlist of a show you may want to hear again. some playlist have additional songs which weren't available on the Amp app.


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